Preparing the Garden for the winter months

Our Autumn Gardening Day was a great success! Lots of volunteers came along. We planted colourful winter pansies and cyclamen and gave the garden a good tidy. Thank you to all who helped to sweep and gather the fallen leaves. And our younger helpers did a brilliant job of stomping on top of the leaf piles!

The Garden will go to sleep for a bit during the winter. But keep a watch for the early spring bulbs planted by our volunteers.

Planting for Spring!

On Bulb Planting Day, Caroline, our gardener, led 20 volunteers planting snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, miniature iris, wood anemone and allium. We hope the squirrels don’t dig them up! Just in case, some bulbs were planted in pots and safely stored in our greenhouse. Volunteers without gardens were given daffodil bulbs in pots, to grow on their window sills at home. Homemade cakes and tea were enjoyed by all.

On Saturday 20th November, 10am – 4pm, we need volunteers to help with leaf gathering to make ‘leafmould’, our own compost.