Category Archives: Garden
Open Day and volunteering Saturday 17 August
We need volunteers to help with a variety of summer tasks in the garden, including watering, deadheading and spreading bark chip on the paths.
Or just come and visit us, walk in the woodland and rest on the patio.
Everyone welcome! Just drop in – 10am-4pm. Tea and cakes provided.
Stag beetle larvae emerging
We found fantastic stag beetle larvae emerging from old wooden sleepers while preparing to renovate the vegetable patches, with our grant from the National Garden Scheme Community Garden Grants. We carefully relocated the larvae along with their wood. It can take 3 to 7 years before the larvae become adults. The stag beetle is protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
Renovating our vegetable beds
Our volunteers have started work on our project to build 13 new raised vegetable planters part funded with a grant from the National Garden Scheme Community Garden Grants. Landslip over the years has caused the vegetable beds to disintegrate. We are starting by removing old planks, sleepers and debris from the designated area. Alongside the project we are stabilising flower beds and terracing.
Wooden sleepers to remedy disintegrating terracing
Landslip over many years is causing major disruption and damage. To help remedy the problem we are stabilising flower beds and terracing with wooden sleepers, replacing old disintegrating ones with new sleepers.
Manure – from Freightliners Farm
We bought 60 bags of manure from Freightliners Farm – probably helped by these cows!
Planting flowers in the shade
We have received a grant from Islington Giving’s Make it Happen Fund, for our new project ‘Planting flowers in the shade’ – a perfect activity for volunteers during summer weather. Come and volunteer with us!
Over 140 visitors came to our LOG Open Day
We welcomed over 140 visitors to our London Open Gardens open day in June. Visitors appreciated being given copies of our new map to guide them. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped on the day and provided tea and cake for our visitors to enjoy on our patio in the sun.