You can find us in Whistler Street N5 1NH
The Garden door is opposite No 22 Whistler Street
Visitors welcome – visit us on Tuesdays and on the third Saturday in the month, 10am – 4pm, February to November
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A new fence
Creating a fence to encourage visitors to keep to the path in the meadow. Flexible branches form a woven fence.
Little Explorers
Little Explorers are enjoying spring in Olden Garden! They have been making leaf art, growing food from vegetable scraps that would otherwise be thrown away and starting on chitting their potatoes.
Open Day & Volunteer Gardening on Saturday 17 February 10am-4pm
Come and enjoy the signs of spring – daffodils, snowdrops and wild crocuses! Help with sowing Welsh poppy seeds and planting hawthorn hedge. Art and craft materials will be available for family activities. Or just drop in and walk in the woodland.
Planting a new hawthorn hedge
Thank you to the young volunteer helping us plant our new hawthorn hedge at the bottom of the meadow.
Thank you to I Dig Trees for donating the hawthorn. Our meadow regeneration project is part-funded with a grant from Groundwork’s Our Space Award