You can find us in Whistler Street N5 1NH
The Garden door is opposite No 22 Whistler Street
Visitors welcome – visit us on Tuesdays and on the third Saturday in the month, 10am – 4pm, February to November
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Olden Garden brings musical comedy to the Chelsea Fringe
In celebration of the Chelsea Fringe 2021, we filmed two special musical events in Olden Garden. ‘Air on a G-string’ is a musical comedy, with a rap celebrating the Chelsea Fringe, played by Kate Shortt on her cello in our garden and greenhouse and in front of the graffiti. ‘The Swan’ is a beautiful cello solo from ‘Carnival of the Animals’ and also played by Kate Shortt. These online events continue our tradition of marking the Chelsea Fringe with a musical celebration.
Volunteer Workday on Saturday 15 May
Come along to our Workday, meet others and learn about the Garden. Bring your own gloves and face covering (just in case) and a towel if you wish to wash your hands. Remember to wear appropriate footwear.
Our Gardener Laura leaves us this month
Our part-time gardener, Laura, has guided the development of Olden Garden during the last 10 years. At a small gathering last week, over a socially distanced cup of coffee and home-made cake, we thanked Laura for her involvement and commitment to the Garden. Laura plans to focus on her garden design business. We are sorry to see her go.