A Garden run by volunteers
Our Garden Year runs from 1st September to 31st August. New memberships are available for the year ending 31st August 2025.
Members must observe the Olden Community Garden Membership Rules
For information about joining Olden Garden contact Evelyn, our Membership Secretary, at oldengarden1@gmail.com
Latest Posts
Open Day with Spring Bulb Planting
On Saturday 21 October, come along any time between 10am – 4pm, for our Open Day. Visit the Garden, plant spring bulbs and celebrate our Meadow Regeneration and Biodiversity project, part-funded with a grant from Groundwork’s Our Space Award. Children’s activities will be available. A great opportunity to make new friends and learn more about Olden Garden. Coffee and cake provided.
Meadow Regeneration celebration
Following the AGM, Olden Garden members celebrated progress with delivering our Meadow Regeneration and Biodiversity project funded by Groundwork’s Our Space Award
Islington in Bloom Award 2023
Olden Community Garden receives Silver Gilt award in the Best Community Garden category.
Open House festival
Huge thank you to our wonderful gardener Caroline for organising our family activities during our Open House Festival, in celebration of our meadow regeneration project funded with our grant from Groundwork’s Our Space Award