Volunteer and visit us

Come to our Open Garden, or volunteer with us, 10am – 4pm, every Tuesday, and on the third Saturday every month.  Walk in our woodland and enjoy tea and biscuits in the garden. Families welcome. Just drop in. 

Tuesday 25 February – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 4 March – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 11 March – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

Saturday 15 March – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 18 March – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

Tuesday 25 March – Open Garden and Volunteer Gardening – 10am – 4pm

The garden house is available to book for parties and meetings

New memberships are available for the year ending 31st August 2025

A two-acre oasis of greenery in Islington, north London.

Over time, a herbaceous garden, an orchard, a pond, a series of vegetable terraces, a small meadow and an acre of woodland have all emerged from a railway embankment.

Under an agreement with Islington Council which owns the land, the volunteer-run Charity – Olden Community Garden – maintains the garden area, with the object to promote a community garden for the benefit of people living or working in the London Borough of Islington. Olden Garden gives local people opportunities for education and recreation, with the aim of increasing involvement in the community and reducing isolation.

A self-sustaining garden

We use harvested water, we compost all the green waste and create wildlife habitats from woody debris.  There is a fruitful orchard and a flourishing vegetable garden.

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Volunteer with us on Saturday 16th July and bring your family for a summer holiday activity

Caroline, our gardener, will lead family activities in the Garden. Come along and sow fast growing herbs in pots to take home. Everyone is welcome.

It looks like the heatwave will continue to Saturday so we will need to water the borders and pots. There will be weeding to do and some sowing of biennial seeds.

Join us for an hour – or longer. Coffee and biscuits will be available.


Join us for Have a Grow Day and Volunteer Gardening Day, Saturday 18 June

Visitors to Olden Garden are welcome to help celebrate Have a Grow Day, an initiative of Social Farms and Gardens. Come along at any time between 10am – 4pm on Saturday 18 June. Caroline, our gardener, will welcome you. Visitors can help with the day’s volunteer gardening tasks. You will be able to see our extensive woodland and the orchard as well as our greenhouse and vegetable plots, learning more about how our garden grows.

Information about vegetable growing will be available and volunteers will be able to sow herb seeds in a pot to take home with them.

With thanks for our grants from

Awarded National Lottery Funding

Developed in 1986 by Patricia
Tawn and supported by Islington Council